And that’s not all… you’ll also receive instant access to 5 advanced level resources. You’ll have my full library of gardening expertise at your fingertips.

Container gardening is so much fun! Not only do containers make gardening a possibility for everyone, even those with little space, but they also make great conversation pieces. This is especially true when you use recycled, free or cheap containers. 

Inside I'm going to give you my list of some very cool container ideas that are environmentally friendly and lots to fun to make.

While the basic concept of hydroponics is growing plants in nutrient solution with or without the use of a soilless medium, many methods have been developed over the years to suit different purposes and availability of resources.

Inside, you'll find all the tips I've learned over the past 30 years of doing this myself!

You don’t have to be a gardening mastermind to grow your own edible plants — and you don’t even have to have space outside for a garden! In fact, there are lots of great edible plants that can be grown indoors, even in a tiny apartment space.

Just imagine, all you have to do is wake up in the morning and take a few steps to tend your crops. There are lots of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that can thrive in the smallest of urban spaces, no yard required.

A taste of what's inside...

A taste of what's inside...

A taste of what's inside...

In this book, we’ll teach you all the basics: how to find the right chicken breeds for your family, how to build a coop and how to care for your flock so you have eggs year-round. With the tips and tricks throughout each section, you’ll have a productive backyard coop in no time. Let’s get started!

A taste of what's inside...

Don’t let the word hydroponic scare you. Although large-scale growers use this system to grow massive amounts of produce in a short period of time, the system is not limited to commercial agricultural use. You can make your very own hydroponic system at home and get started right away growing tasty produce all year long.

This system is best for long-term crops that produce a lot of fruit and need a lot of water like tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons.

The Indoor Gardening Secret

(limited supply of free copies available - limit 1 per customer)

Discover The 27 “Step-By-Step” Gardening Projects That Will Allow You To Skip The Grocery Store & Grow All of Your Organic Food Indoors 365 Days a Year

All of these delicious, organic fruits and vegetables can be grown INSIDE your home, 365 days-a-year!

You could feed your family ENTIRELY with food that you’ve grown yourself in your home…

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s 100% True!

By taking control of your food supply, you would never have to worry about:

But… If you grow your own food from the comfort of your own home, you won’t have to worry about any of this...

Hello, my name is Susan Patterson, and I’m a Master Gardener with over 20 years of experience growing delicious fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers both inside and out…

Over the years I’ve worked with hundreds, if not thousands of people interested in taking control of their food supply and producing their own food inside their own homes… 

I had to find a way to grow things. For me, I felt like if I wasn’t growing anything, I wasn’t alive…

It was during this time that I developed the techniques that I outline in my new book, The Indoor Garden Secret...

Here’s what some people had to say about it:

Verified Purchase

I am originally from the Midwest & retired to Arizona 6 years ago.   Gardening herbs, vegetables & fruits has always been for outside in the backyard.  I've thought about starting a small garden several times since being in Arizona but then I think about all the hard work it would be during the HOT Arizona summer months with 115-120°.  So, I usually say forget about it!

Rachel S.

And then, I had the great opportunity to read,  "The Indoor Garden Secret".  Every chapter I found myself making side notes,  "Ooooo, I want to try that! ".  The format of this wonderful book makes for an easy  read & easy to understand.   There are great vibrant photos that get you excited on growing your own ripe herbs,  vegetables & fruits.  There are also a lot of project ideas for any level of gardener.   All with a supply list of exactly what you need & directions to make the project along with a photo to show what it will look like completed.

This book has been very inspiring & I'm making all sorts of plans for my open spaces in my home to start my gardens!  I can't wait to get started!

I highly recommend this book as a MUST read for everyone that likes to garden, though you couldn't garden because of your outdoor space or you just want to be a little or a lot healthier in your herb, vegetable & fruit choices!

What’s so unique about this book is that it doesn’t just offer guidance on how to grow delicious Organic food inside your home…

But, it actually shows you, step-by-step, exactly what you need to do in order to turn your kitchen, living room or even bedroom into a lush garden, full of fruits, vegetables and herbs…

There are countless reasons why growing your own food inside is beneficial to you and your family. Here are a few:

You Will Save Money

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Imagine Your Friends Walking Into Your Kitchen and Seeing This:

And then, you offer them some of your homemade Salsa!

FREE BONUS #1 - Backyard Paleo: How To Raise Backyard Chickens! (a $29.95 value, Yours FREE!)

FREE BONUS #2 - 13 Backyard Container Gardens For Perfect Planting (a $29.95 value, Yours FREE!)

FREE BONUS #3 - Indoor Gardening: 16 Best Plants To Grow In Your Home (a $29.95 value, Yours FREE!)

FREE BONUS #4 - Hydroponic Gardening: How To Grow Without Soil (a $29.95 value, Yours FREE!)

FREE BONUS #5 - DUY: 5-Gallon Bucket Hydroponic System (a $29.95 value, Yours FREE!)

You’ll have up to 60 days to get a full refund, just ship us back the book in the same condition in which it was sent to you, and we’ll process your refund right away…

The reality is, this almost never happens, because most people absolutely fall in love with the amazing projects contained in The Indoor Garden Secret. In fact, they usually wind up sharing it with friends and family members... 

Food Shortages- Much more common than most people think, food shortages can be the result of an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, blizzard, even civil unrest. 

Food Recalls- Also more common than people think, food recalls occur after outbreaks of E. coli and Salmonella, which cause illness and can be fatal in some cases. 

Susan Patterson 

Dangerous Pesticides- Nearly all fruits and vegetables that make their way to your local grocery store have been sprayed down with harmful chemicals. These chemicals can and do lead to negative health outcomes for many, many people each year, including children. 

Long Lines at the Grocery Store- We’ve all been there. Nobody wants to stand in line for a half hour or longer just to buy food to feed their families. 

The Rising Cost of Food Due to Inflation- Government Spending has now reached World War II levels. The result is the devaluing of the dollar, which has already led to a 2% increase in food prices. And this is just the beginning. 

Verified Purchase

Jennifer R.

This book is so informative for a beginner gardener like myself. It provides all of the information needed to start an indoor garden.  The DIY projects look so fun too! They range from food to crafts, simple to more involved. I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants to start their gardening journey.

Verified Purchase

Mary Petzold

I just finished reading The Indoor Garden Secret book and I am so encouraged to start growing veggies and herbs inside my house.  It will be such a fun project to do with my children and we will get to enjoy eating what we grow!  The book lays out step by step how to grow a variety of vegetables, fruit trees, herbs...etc.  all the information you need is right in this book!  So excited to get started!

Even more important than the savings is the opportunity to produce
and consume nutrient-rich fruits, veggies, and herbs.

Food that’s grown organically, without synthetic pesticides, contains measurably more nutrients than non-organic foods. 

You Will be Healthier

When my kids were young, I remember being shocked when I read
the staggering statistics about how susceptible young children are to

That was over twenty years ago, and unfortunately, things
are even worse today.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, children are much
more susceptible to chemicals than adults.

Estimates show that 50% of lifetime pesticide exposure occurs during the first five years of life.

The average child receives four times more exposure than an adult to
at least eight widely used cancer-causing pesticides in food.

If nothing else convinces you, these discouraging statistics should
encourage you to begin gardening for the health and safety of your

You Can Protect Your Kids

During World War I, and especially World War II, Americans were
asked to grow food to help support the war effort.
Although we may not be in the middle of a world war, our food supply is exceptionally vulnerable nonetheless.

All you have to do is take a look around the world to see what might

In Venezuela, for example, citizens have been enduring a
catastrophic food shortage due to an economic crisis and the total
collapse of the food system that relied heavily on imported foods.

As currency controls food imports, hyperinflation eats into salaries, and people have to line up for hours to buy basics like flour..

People are starving in that country...

Amid the crisis, the government has advised Venezuelans to start growing edible crops and raising chickens.

But gardening takes time, and if you don’t know anything about it, it can take even longer...

Regardless of the type of government or those who are in power, any
population that relies on imports for its food supply could be next on
the list to experience a dire food shortage.

The United States imports more food than any other nation on the planet, followed by China, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom...

There doesn’t have to be a significant economic crisis, either.

What happens if truck drivers go on strike or delivery trucks cannot deliver food to the stores?

What if there is a fuel shortage that prevents them from delivering or causes the prices to skyrocket?

Taking action now is a must to prevent future tragedies. 

A Food Shortage Won’t Impact You

Around one-fifth of the fresh vegetables in the United States come from overseas.

How fresh can it be when it traveled thousands of miles to reach the grocery store shelf?

The quality of store-bought produce gets lower and lower the further it has to travel...

So unless you’re buying from the farm or a local farmer’s market, you’re probably not getting the freshest foods.

However, when you grow your own, it doesn’t get any fresher...

You can choose when to harvest and consume what you produce when it reaches peak ripeness. It naturally tastes much better this way...

Some have noted that before cultivating a home garden, they never really knew just how good a fresh tomato or perfectly ripe nectarine tasted. 

Your Food Will Be Fresh

There is something incredibly relaxing about spending time caring for plants, watching them bend and reach for the sun, and keeping an eye on them as they produce delicious food for your table.

Science even confirms how valuable growing a garden can be to your mental health...

One study asked volunteers to perform a stressful activity followed by either 30 minutes of reading indoors or 30 minutes of gardening.

While both managed to reduce stress, gardening had a much more dramatic impact.

Many mental health experts and physicians have determined that getting out in the garden is excellent therapy. It is used to treat anxiety, depression, PTSD, and Alzheimer’s disease, among many other ailments...

Caring for plants, whether indoors or outdoors, is one of the best natural medicines around! 

You Will Be Less Stressed

Our planet could use some love, and when you grow food, you’ll be improving the earth and our environment in several ways.

First, you won’t be polluting the air by driving to the grocery store, and second, you’ll be helping to cut back on the energy used by modern farming...

Modern farming currently utilizes more petroleum than any other single industry!

It consumes 12 percent of America’s total energy supply..

So if you grow your own, you’re reducing pollution both from your travel and modern farm equipment. 

You’ll Help the Planet

If you have ever grown veggies, fruits, herbs, or flowers in containers, you know that it is a gratifying experience...

Container gardening is a great way to bring plants closer to you for easier planting, care, and harvesting.

It is the ultimate way to grow many plants in minimal space....

Container gardening is what allows you to have a thriving garden inside the walls of your home all year long...

Contrary to popular belief, many plants, including fruits, vegetables, and herbs, are quite content to grow in containers. 

Additional Benefits of Indoor Gardening

Here are just a few of the additional benefits of cultivating homegrown crops indoors:

Less risk of soil-borne diseases
Less chance of insect infestation

More control over soil, light, moisture, and temperature

Easy to plant, care for, and harvest

Beautify your home

Easy to save seeds from heirloom plants 

Bright Light Zones are optimal for growing plants, fruits, vegetables and herbs. But Partial Light Zones also provide sustenance for plants.

In the beginning of the book, I explain why different rooms in your house must be divided into different “Light Zones.”

I also break down everything you need to know in order to build a vibrant indoor garden.

Most homes have enough sunlight to grow all the food you could eat. But if your home doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, and you decide to use a Grow Light, it’s important to know how the different types of lights operate:

H.I.D. (High-Intensity Discharge) - These lights put out quite a bit of heat, but they are the best lamps available for indoor hydroponics gardens. You can grow any leafing, flowering, or fruiting crops under these lights because they simulate the right spectrum needed and almost mimic what the sun provides. There are two types of bulbs available, MH (metal halide) and HPS (high-pressure sodium). The MH is an excellent all-around light 25 and is fine for most veggies. If your budget only allows for one bulb, get a metal halide one. You can generally find a good 400 watt MH lamp with a bulb for about $140. The HPS bulb is best for the flowering/fruiting stage of vegetables but is not entirely necessary. If you can afford to purchase a conversion lamp that takes both bulbs, that is great. Use the MH for the vegetative growth stage and switch to the HPS when the flowers appear. You can generally find a good conversion lamp including both bulbs for about $200. 

LED Grow Lights - LED stands for light-emitting diode. The nice thing about these bulbs is that they use about half of the electricity of traditional lighting. Plus, the bulbs last for a very long time, and they provide cool lighting that won’t burn your plants. It is important not to purchase super cheap LED lights that make big promises. In this instance, you do get what you pay for. A good mid-range system will cost between $350 and $500. Keep in mind, LED’s will cost most upfront but offer energy savings in the long run. 

The most fun I had writing this book came from the different projects that I break down for you…

Here’s one for a Cedar Window Herb Box: 

Everything from Airflow to Pollination, to Humidity is discussed at length to provide you with the most accurate information you need to grow the delicious foods you love– tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, grapes, strawberries– in the comfort of your own home.

These easy-to-follow instructions have made the difference for so many people who were interested in indoor gardening, but really didn’t know where or how to begin… 

This book is a Road Map. All you have to do is follow it to a T, and your home will be bursting with delicious Organic food, and your shopping bill will be cut in half, or reduced even more! 

Now, mushrooms aren’t technically plants, but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow them in your kitchen, living room or bedroom like you would with any other plant…

It just means that the procedure is a little different. I map out clearly exactly what to do in this next section: 

Who Doesn’t Love a Plate of
Delicious Mushrooms?

Unlike store bought mushrooms, the ones you grow at home will be totally fresh and not pumped up with GMOs or sprayed down with harmful pesticides...

There are many, many more projects like this one in the book. A food that is essential to a healthy, balanced diet, and one that most people don’t eat enough of is Greens…

Just follow along with the simple instructions, and you’ll be eating delicious microgreens– kale, spinach and so much more– that you grew yourself in your own Indoor Garden...

And I make sure to tell you about the different ways of growing microgreens...

I make sure to explain absolutely everything you need to know about how to grow microgreens!

The most obvious is the traditional…

But Hydroponic growing is also a very productive way to raise crops that has gained popularity in recent years. And Hydroponic systems operate very well inside your home…

Ginger is such an incredible spice. It’s great for cooking, especially with Indian or Asian cuisine…
It makes a great tea, especially if it’s combined with lemon…

One of the greatest natural remedies for a sore throat… Perfect for singers who’ve lost their voice!

But have you ever imagined what it would be like to actually grow your own ginger?

Well, now you can! 

Another project that would be great for your home is Hydroponic Sprouted Ginger

The best part about growing Ginger this way is you don’t need any soil! Growing plants with a hydroponic system allows them to grow larger because they aren’t using precious energy growing their roots out in order to locate a water source. They’re already in the water, so that extra energy instead gets redirected toward making the crop bigger and more flavorful.

Packed with a powerful combination of nutrients that make it absolutely essential to your health, Wheatgrass is a Superfood that has been popular with professional athletes and Hollywood for several decades now for the way it preserves youth and vitality.

Usually consumed in liquid form, (Wheatgrass Juice) Wheatgrass itself is a small leafy green plant that is best grown on a countertop. Health experts love it because it contains: 

17 amino acids
vitamins A, C, E, K, and B complex

In the book I provide step-by-step instructions for countless Indoor Gardening projects, like this one:

Wheatgrass is microgreen that is consumed by people who really value their health. It has a hefty price tag, but if you’re growing your own Wheatgrass, you’ll save upwards of 80% of the cost.

Another leafy green that has really become immensely popular over the last decade in the Health and Wellness world is Kale. 

Vitamin A: 206% of the recommended Daily Value (from beta-carotene)

Vitamin K: 684% of the recommended Daily Value

Vitamin C: 134% of the recommended Daily Value

Vitamin B6: 9% of the recommended Daily Value

Manganese: 26% of the recommended Daily Value

Calcium: 9% of the recommended Daily Value

Copper: 10% of the recommended Daily Value

Potassium: 9% of the recommended Daily Value

Magnesium: 6% of the recommended Daily Value

It also contains 3% or more of the recommended Daily Value for vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), iron and phosphorus

Kale is arguably the healthiest food that you can grow for yourself and your family...

Just follow these simple instructions, and your Kale will be growing in no time!

A fun, easy-to-do project that really doesn’t require too much expertise is the Strainer Lettuce Bowl...

Lettuce is perhaps the most famous vegetable. It seems to go with everything– salad, burgers, deli sandwiches…

You really can’t go wrong with lettuce. That’s why growing your own lettuce is absolutely essential to any Indoor Garden… 

You Can’t Have a Salad Without Lettuce!

As always, I break down exactly what you need to make this project work:

This is just the tip of the Lettuce Iceberg (pun intended). There’s so much here for you to learn from and incorporate into your practice…

There Are Many, Many More Projects
Like These in The Book! 

You don’t have to be a Master Gardener to make this book work for you. You can have 0 experience growing anything

As long as you follow the instructions closely, you’ll be growing delicious fruits, veggies, and herbs in your kitchen, living room or even bedroom in no time! 

This Book Has Something for Everyone!

Actually, it’s FREE! Normally, it costs $37.00, but right now we’re running a promotion...

You just pay shipping, and we’ll send the book out to you right away! 

So, How Much Does This Amazing Book Cost?

This book will show you how to do everything!

Click The Button Below And Tell Me Where To Ship Your FREE Copy of The Indoor Garden Secret Today

PLUS, as a reminder…

When you claim your FREE copy of The Indoor Garden Secret, you’ll also receive 5 of my favorite gardening e-guides completely FREE!

That’s a $186.75 combined value! Yours FREE today when you cover a small shipping charge.

For anyone with an interest in gardening, The Indoor Garden Secret will give you start-to-finish instructions for how to grow delicious organic foods that you and your family will love! 

One of the factors that inspired me to start growing food was that it
would save money...

Organic produce can be expensive, but a pack of organic seeds? Not so bad.

Even with the cost of water and plants factored in, you can save quite
a bit of money when you grow food instead of paying the high price
at the grocery store... 

For example, a bag of organic baby spinach costs around $4 at the local grocery store, and it’s only enough for a few servings.

Compare that to organic seeds, which are a fraction of the cost and yield about six pounds of fresh spinach.

To me, it makes excellent sense. And even if you do have to work a little for it, you can still enjoy fresh, organic spinach all season long.

In an analysis of over 300 studies published in 2014 in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that organic crops, including everything from blueberries and apples to broccoli and carrots, had a substantially higher antioxidant concentration and other beneficial compounds.

There were 50 percent more flavonols and anthocyanins in organic crops than conventional ones in just one example...

Plus, when you grow fruits and veggies, you tend to eat more of them. You also know more about what comes in contact with your food, and you control the harvest.

Store-bought produce is often harvested too early and is lacking in essential nutrients... 

Legendary Master Gardener with 20+ Years Experience Reveals...

 Yours Today When You Grab Your Free Copy Of Her Best-Selling Gardening Guide Below 

A single cup of raw Kale 
(about 67 grams or 2.4 ounces) contains:

A Microgreen, Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! 

Frequently Asked Questions
Is The Indoor Garden Secret really Free?

Yes, just pay shipping.

Is Susan really a Master Gardener?

Yes. Certified.

Can I really grow enough food in my backyard to sustain myself and my family?

Yes, but you will have to put the time in.

Can I return The Indoor Garden Secret and get back the money I paid in shipping?

Yes, if you return the book within 60 days.

Will The Indoor Garden Secret really enhance my life?

Yes. Our customers are overwhelmingly satisfied with The Indoor Garden Secret, as well as our other books like Indoor Gardening. The act of planting food and eating what you’ve planted is a life-changing experience for most people.

Imagine All This Delicious ORGANIC Food Was Grown Inside Your Home!

You Would Never Have to Go to the Grocery Store Again!!