The Ingenious Way To Grow More With No Soil And Less Work

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© year Backyard Vitality

Hello Friends,

My name is Susan Patterson and I am a Master Gardener and plant enthusiast on a mission to make gardening and fresh food available for everyone!  I have been getting my hands dirty for over 20 years, growing all sorts of fruits, veggies, and herbs. Learning how to amend the soil, creating the best balance of organically rich medium in which to grow bountiful and nutritious food for my family. By the end of each growing season, the dirt embedded under my nails is always a reminder of the hard work spent cultivating the best garden ever!

So… a garden without soil, is it actually possible? Not only is it possible but it is highly profitable. It is no joke that you can grow big and beautiful plants, loads of food for your family while saving money, reducing the threat of pests and disease all while increasing yield and eliminating back breaking work of pulling weeds and digging.

The best part is that a home hydroponic system is so easy to set up that anyone can do it.

You may think that hydroponic gardening is only for large-scale growers….. While many large-scale growers use this method I  want you to know just how easy it is to get started with growing some of the biggest and healthiest plants you have ever grown WITHOUT ANY SOIL! 

Recently, I discovered another way to grow loads of fresh food for my family without spending time creating the perfect soil mixture, without digging, without even GETTING MY HANDS DIRTY!! I know that it may sound hard to believe, but this year was my first ever attempt at a way of gardening that may seem as strange to you as it did to me.

After all, I grew up gardening the old fashioned way (which I still love doing by the way) with a hoe in one hand and seeds in the other… lots of time spent adding manure and other organic compounds to the soil to give plants just what they needed to be strong and healthy. Embracing what I thought was some kind of  “new age” gardening technique did not come easily for me. However, when I found out that this almost magical way to garden has actually been around for thousands of years. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Floating Gardens of China are two of the earliest examples of hydroponic gardening.

Hydroponics was written about in 1627 by Francis Bacon, an English scientist, and philosopher who experimented with growing plants in a soilless medium! Since that time there have been countless research studies conducted by scientists, plant nutritionists and others who have freely spoken and written about the wonders of soilless gardening or HYDROPONICS! 

Imagine safe, affordable and delicious food all year long, right at your fingertips. In a space as small as your guest bathroom you can successfully grow enough food for your family and have leftovers to share with friends. NO more worry about food scarcities or recalls for dangerous things such as E.coli, your family will be safe, healthy and well fed with minimal effort on your part. 

The best news of all is that hydroponic gardens produce up to 100% more yield in a smaller space and in a much shorter time than conventional gardens. There is no back-breaking weeding or tending to do and you are not limited to where you live as far as what you can grow. 

I can’t stress enough how easy it is to set up and run a soilless hydroponic garden. This is truly the future of home food production! Are you ready to secure your family’s food source today?

The Hydroponic Garden Secret

Hydroponic gardening is good for the environment - Hydroponic systems can be set up to reuse water and nutrients, thus lessening the strain on the environment.

You don’t need a yard or garden space to grow food - Hydroponic gardens don’t require any outdoor space as they can be set up entirely indoors if necessary. This means that anyone with a little extra space inside can grow food. Soilless systems use 20% less space than conventional growing methods. 


DIY: 5-Gallon Bucket Hydroponic System

The Complete Hydroponic Gardening Book

My Guide to Indoor Gardening — 
16 Best Plants To Grow In Your Home

Backyard Paleo — 
How To Raise Backyard Chickens!

13 Backyard Container Gardens 
For Perfect Planting

You’ll be amazed by the value packed into this gardening bundle. All you need to do is contribute the cost of shipping, and it’s yours.

We’re committed to providing the BEST high quality resources, written by real experts who have put in the years of hard work, and want to help real people like you.

Stop wasting time searching the internet, and get the real tips, tricks and shortcuts in The Hydroponic Garden Secret.

30 Years Of Self-Sufficient Gardening Expertise, At Your Fingertips

You’re not alone, thousands of people in our community have already received their book, and are getting started now!

The sooner you create your garden (even just one seed planted in a recycled yogurt container counts as a garden!), you’ll be able to eat your own safe, delicious, plentiful produce. 

Join Our Inspiring Gardening Community

I want you to experience the joy and freedom too.

Get your copy of The Hydroponic Garden Secret now -- use the button below to check for availability and reserve your copy now.

Where has the family farm gone?

Don’t let the word hydroponic scare you. Although large-scale growers use this system to grow massive amounts of produce in a short period of time, the system is not limited to commercial agricultural use. You can make your very own hydroponic system at home and get started right away growing tasty produce all year long. 

This system is best for long-term crops that produce a lot of fruit and need a lot of water like tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons.

While the basic concept of hydroponics is growing plants in nutrient solution with or without the use of a soilless medium, many methods have been developed over the years to suit different purposes and availability of resources. 

Inside, you'll find all the tips I've learned over the past 30 years of doing this myself!

You don’t have to be a gardening mastermind to grow your own edible plants — and you don’t even have to have space outside for a garden! In fact, there are lots of great edible plants that can be grown indoors, even in a tiny apartment space. 

Just imagine, all you have to do is wake up in the morning and take a few steps to tend your crops. There are lots of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that can thrive in the smallest of urban spaces, no yard required.

In this book, we’ll teach you all the basics: how to find the right chicken breeds for your family, how to build a coop and how to care for your flock so you have eggs year-round. With the tips and tricks throughout each section, you’ll have a productive backyard coop in no time. Let’s get started!

Container gardening is so much fun! Not only do containers make gardening a possibility for everyone, even those with little space, but they also make great conversation pieces. This is especially true when you use recycled, free or cheap containers. 

Inside I'm going to give you my list of some very cool container ideas that are environmentally friendly and lots to fun to make. 

At one point in history, family farms were the norm. People were growing food for their families and selling and trading with neighbors and locals. Today, the small farm is almost extinct, bullied by corporate giants and government agendas. We have lost easy access to fresh,  local food. Sadly, this has contributed to the current health crisis our country is in. There are more sick and obese individuals than ever. Diabetes is skyrocketing, as are other lifestyle-related illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. We have food scares where millions of pounds of fresh, seemingly healthy food is recalled. People are hospitalized and some even die.

Do You Believe in Magic?

What if I told you that you can have a fresh harvest of nutritious vegetables all year long? You can even do this in a small space, indoors, on your balcony or in a simple greenhouse. You can be successful with little to no gardening experience.  You can do this with hydroponics.

Hydroponics is no longer a science experiment or futuristic objective. It is  real, it is now and it is available to anyone who desires to grow fresh and nutritious food no matter where you live.

Although commercial soilless gardens exist all over the world, hydroponic gardening is not just for large-scale operations. If you are interested in providing food for your family or even your entire neighborhood, hydroponics is a great option.  

Research has shown that plants do not need soil to grow and in fact, there are many benefits to soilless growing, also known as hydroponics.  There are a variety of hydroponic gardening systems but they all have one thing in common: Plants are placed in a growing medium and nutrients are provided directly to the roots. When we grow plants in soil, they spend a great deal of energy growing a root system so that they can seek out the water and nutrients that they need to survive from within the soil.

Here is something that many people probably don’t know. Studies show that the average distance food travels to get to your plate is 1,500 miles; MUCH is lost in this journey. The fewer miles traveled, the better the food will taste and the more nutrients it will contain. In fact, most produce loses 30% or more of valuable nutrients in just 3 days.
While most big corporations are using genetically modified seeds and spraying insane amounts of chemicals on crops, you don’t have to do that at home when you grow your own garden.

Genetically modified plants 
require more pesticides and herbicides

If you currently live off store-bought food including fresh fruits and veggies found at your local supermarket, it is likely that you are consuming GMOs and dangerous pesticides and herbicides that can be detrimental to your health. What is worse is that the use of GMOs is also contributing to increased pesticide and herbicide resistance, driving farmers to apply increasing amounts of these chemicals to their crops. 

From a health perspective, there is mounting evidence pointing to the toxic side effects that these foods can have. Researchers are finding that the consumption of genetically modified foods can lead to reproductive and immunity problems and affect major organs like the liver and kidneys. Because GMOs are relatively new to the food chain, there is much that is not known about the impact they can have on health and this is a huge issue in itself. 

Food recalls are skyrocketing…. 
Is our food supply safe?

Here is something else that scares me. There are increasing numbers of lettuce and spinach recalls due to E.coli, E. coli is a broad term for gut bacteria. Believe it or not, you may actually have some E. coli living in your stomach right now. The problem is that a specific strain of E. coli called O157: H7 — can cause bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and kidney failure. In severe cases, this gut bacteria poisoning can even lead to death. As with most bacterial issues, it is most dangerous for elderly adults and children, and other people with weakened immune systems. 

Though it’s not fun to think about, since E. coli is a gut bacteria, it travels through feces. That means contaminated lettuce must have come into contact with some form of fecal matter. Whether the lettuce was contaminated in the field from a nearby livestock farm or it picked up the bacteria from contaminated water, farmworkers, equipment with manure on it, or other contact with fecal matter, this bacteria will survive all the way to your table.

This is a very serious issue. Over the past few years, hundreds of thousands of pounds of lettuce and spinach have been recalled in an attempt to halt this pervasive bacteria, with numerous outbreaks still plaguing the country every year. Again, this is just one VERY good reason to grow your own food.

The best-kept secret about hydroponics

I have to let the cat out of the bag, I can’t contain myself. One of the best benefits of hydroponic growing is also one of its best-kept secrets. SO few people actually know that hydroponic plants grow 30% to 50% faster than plants grown in soil. That’s right!! This is because the extra oxygen provided by this method helps to stimulate root growth and allow for nutrients to be absorbed more rapidly by the plant. Because nutrients are added directly to water - plants don't have to search the soil for what they need to grow fast, grow big and grow healthy. Unlike conventionally grown plants, hydroponic plants require little energy to break down nutrients and use them for growth.

I have never had so many healthy and happy plants as I had with my first crop of hydroponic lettuce. I had enough lettuce to share with the entire neighborhood and then some…. I was truly amazed at just how healthy and delicious my lettuce really was and just how little energy was actually required to grow this massive crop!! I was really starting to like the idea of soilless gardening and I think you will too!!

More Benefits of Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponics is the Future of Safe and Delicious Food Production

Fresh food travels thousands of miles before it reaches your table?

Did you know:

What is hydroponics?

What exactly is hydroponics?  Interestingly enough, the word HYDROPONICS comes from Latin and means “working water.”  In short, hydroponics simply means growing plants without soil and includes growing plants in water or other non-soil mediums.

Short growing season? = hydroponics are the answer 

Long winters? = hydroponics are the answer 

Live in an apartment? = hydroponics are the answer 

Beginner gardener? = hydroponics are the answer 

Bad back or bad knees? = hydroponics are the answer 

Desire fresh food all year long? = hydroponics are the answer

Short growing season? = hydroponics are the answer 

Long winters? = hydroponics are the answer 

Live in an apartment? = hydroponics are the answer 

Beginner gardener? = hydroponics are the answer 

Bad back or bad knees? = hydroponics are the answer 

Desire fresh food all year long? = hydroponics are the answer

Short growing season? = hydroponics are the answer 

Long winters? = hydroponics are the answer 

Live in an apartment? = hydroponics are the answer 

Beginner gardener? = hydroponics are the answer 

Bad back or bad knees? = hydroponics are the answer 

Desire fresh food all year long? = hydroponics are the answer

Short growing season? 
= hydroponics are the answer

Long winters? 
= hydroponics are the answer 

Live in an apartment? 
= hydroponics are the answer 

Beginner gardener? 
= hydroponics are the answer

Bad back or bad knees? 
= hydroponics are the answer

Desire fresh food all year long? 
= hydroponics are the answer

Hydroponic gardening is economical - It takes very little to get started and maintain your very own hydroponic system.

You can grow year-round with hydroponics - There is no need to worry about your plants freezing or running out of fresh food during the winter as you can grow hydroponically year round.

Growing hydroponically is fun - The whole family can get involved with hydroponic gardening.

Growing hydroponically saves water - Growing food in a hydroponic system uses ⅔ less water than conventional methods. This is especially great for people living in arid areas where there is not much rainfall. Like me, in Arizona!!

Learn just how easy it is to grow a massive harvest of fresh food for your family all year long without soil no matter where you live!

What has emerged is a food system that is massive and complicated. A system that includes centralized farms, large food processors and corrupt chemical companies pushing GMO agendas. It is estimated that just one percent of farms control over half of our food supply and that 60 percent of farm profits go to as few as 50 major companies.

So, what does all this mean for the consumer? Simply put, this means we can no longer be sure where our food is coming from and the food that we now consume is not as fresh as it once was, comes at a high price and contains fewer nutrients along with an increased risk of contamination. 

Are we victims? Yes and no is the short answer. Although things have gone awry with our food supply, we can take charge. We can control what we eat and we can, all of us, grow an abundance of fresh, nutrient dense and safe food for ourselves and our family.

So, what is the answer? The answer is to go back to what our ancestors did, to grow our own food and support community gardens and small farms. The push is on as more and  more people realize the state of our present food system and take matters into their own hands.

But wait… perhaps you don’t have space for a conventional garden, perhaps you live in the middle of a bustling city with only a small patio or balcony, perhaps you have very short summers and long winters, perhaps you have a bad back or bad knees and perhaps you have never, ever grown anything in your life!  If any of these “perhaps” fit you, I have amazing news. News that will change the way you and your family eat forever and the best part of all is that you don’t have to even get your hands dirty.

How To Grow More Food Faster All Year Long




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